Thursday, February 16, 2012

Evolution=Offending Monkeys

The theory of evolution means you have no purpose.
It tells you that you are an accident of some cosmic force or a random idea conceived by a soulless amoeba.
The theory of evolution doesn't feed the hungry or clothe the naked or give jobs to the poor or bring medicine to a sick person. It doesn't give hope to the cutter or the suicidal. It doesn't bring peace to a troubled mind or courage to a fretting heart. It doesn't repair the hurt of a broken heart or give the comfort of seeing a lost loved one again.

Our current society can be summed up in this paragraph:
You can abort your children. 48 million so far. If you choose to let them live, send them to our godless school system where we will teach them they are an accident of nature with no purpose and no God who cares and loves. And then you can sort out the shootings, bullying, foul mouths, teen pregnancy's, fights, hate, and general disrespect for all authority.
 Now, for the sake of argument, where is the proof of evolution? Where are the half ape people? Why did it stop? Where are the people from history who are mutated? How come everything actually works? Reproduction is pretty consistent. The sun doesn't move closer so we burn or farther so we freeze. My eyes cannot be reproduced by a computer. My brain cant be reproduced by a computer. Hmm.
 Fish evolved correctly. Humans did too. Moon still helps the tide. Its amazing that evolution worked so well! The seasons changing! WOW!
a. The process of developing.
b. Gradual development.
So will it keep developing?
Why does it stop? 
Does it tell me about what happens after death?
Why does it let me live only 70 years?
Are you happy with this?
Shall I continue?
You tell me this evolved from this:

Humans have become so technically evolved that they can now make a living, breathing person. A summit of scientists believed that because they now had the power to create life, God was no longer needed. So they all decided that someone should go and tell God this. One man volunteered to go. One day he climbed a mountain and called upon God. “God! We humans now have the ability to bring people from the dead, we can create our own life, we don’t need you anymore so you can leave us alone.” God listened to the scientist and nodded his head. “Okay, I’ll tell you what, if you can really create life, let’s have a competition, if you can create a better person than me, I’ll go, but we’ll have to do it the way I did it in the old days.” So the scientist agrees and begins to collect some dirt to make his person. God simply watches him and finally asks him what he’s doing. “I’m using the dirt to make a person.” God smiles, looks at the scientist and replies, “Go make your own dirt.

What do you call a dead athiest? All dressed up and no place to go.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
That one verse makes me content. God made the earth. He then made the birds and fish and every land animal. Then he made free will man. Gave him the option to love freely. And receive love. He immediately gave a purpose. Name animals and tend a garden.
Psalm 139:14 I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Isaiah 43:7 Bring all who claim me as their God, for I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them.'
Jeremiah 1:5 I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations
Psalm 14:1 The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; There is no one who does good.
Only a fool would say God did not make us. I was on twitter the other day and I was tweeting with 7 other people who called me names and said I was crazy for believing in God. Their main issue was they could not accept who God was and that He is uncreated. Easy to believe they evolved from monkeys but not that God is and always has been. I did not directly address them like this but I did tell them that it was folly to not believe in God.
God made you. He made you in His image. You have a purpose. First to love God. Second to love your neighbor as you love yourself. As I have said in my previous post, you cant have good without God. He created the world and all it contains for your enjoyment. The animals, oceans, mountains, birds, sunsets, sunrise, stars, galaxies all for you. 
He made it with perfection in mind. Order and balance. Love and care. And He said it was good.
What do you call a dead athiest? All dressed up and no place to go.

Lastly, people will say man wrote the Bible, not God. 2 Timothy 3:16 says All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. There is no book or collection of books that in any way compares to the Bible. It is not of this world. Any law today? Starts with the Ten Commandments. Golden rule? Some guy named Jesus said it. Matthew 7:12.
 I fully believe, without a doubt, that the Bible is Gods infallible word. That it is perfect and full of order and meant to lead us, guide us and comfort us.

So to say the big bang made this perfect universe is like saying an dropping my glass will create a galaxy and to say we evolved from monkeys probably just offended every monkey on this planet!
You crazy people did not come from me!

Its what I do through Jesus,


  1. Where to begin with all of your errors and ridiculous suppositions. Even your opening statement is shameful and wrong. Life has purpose. Its purpose is what you make of it. My purpose in life is to do what I can in my own small way to benefit my fellow human beings; whether it be by being generous with my time, money, education, etc. Everyone has the purpose in life of helping one another. You do not need to believe in God to do this. There are many compassionate and benevolent atheists in the world, despite your misconceptions.

    Regarding the Big think this universe is perfect? Exploding stars, rogue comets and asteroids, black holes, galaxies colliding with other galaxies, etc. There is lots of chaos in the universe. There is only one place in the entire universe that is hospitable to life that we know of. And even here, many more species of animal and plant have become extinct than live today. And even life on earth is horribly chaotic. Why would a creator create life that kills and consumes other life? It is horribly inefficient and cruel. Why create life forms that seem to serve no other purpose than to provide food to other life forms? And look at disease and the other cruel ways that living beings suffer and die from. You think a young innocent child dying an incredibly slow and painful death from bone cancer is somehow divinely planned? Give me a break! If it is divinely planned then fuck God! He is a cruel and horrible bastard. You would never allow a child to come to harm, would you? I certainly wouldn't! Especially if I were an all powerful god who had the power to prevent it. Okay, I'm done. Arguing with people like you is as productive as arguing with a turnip.

    Your second paragraph is again full of your own judgments and suppositions. You obviously have difficulty separating your preconceived
    notions from the topic of evolution. Evolution is a scientific principal. Humanity is what feeds the poor, heals the sick, etc.

    You third paragraph is full of more vitriolic bullshit, again not including any facts of what you are talking about. And your definition of evolution is absolutely dead wrong and incredibly overly simplified. Here is a good definition of evolution:

    The change in genetic composition of a population over successive generations, which may be caused by natural selection, inbreeding, hybridization, or mutation.

    And evolution does not stop. Humans, along with all other living organisms continue to evolve. However, the process is so incredibly slow (taking place over thousands and millions of years) in multi-celled organisms that many generations of a species will pass before significant evolutionary changes occur.

    Humans have NOT yet developed the capability of cloning another "living, breathing person." The most complex organism cloned was Dolly, the sheep. But you are right to a degree in the fact that as science progresses and the more we learn about the world and the universe, God becomes less and less relevant. The reason is that God has always been used as a placeholder to explain natural phenomenon that humans haven't been able to understand before. Imagine being a prehistoric human and seeing a huge thunderstorm. Imagine seeing bolts of lightning strike the ground and start fires and hearing the loud crash of thunder. And you don't have any concept of electricity and what lighting and thunder really are. Well, now we know what lighting and thunder are, and it has nothing to do with god. Same with disease before germ theory. People used to think the Sun revolved around the Earth too and that the Earth was the center of the Universe. Now we know we are way out in the boonies of the galaxy, not even near the center and the Earth revolves around the Sun. Thanks to science.

  2. Your biblical references don't mean anything to me. The bible is a book written thousands of years ago by iron age nomadic goat herders who had no concept of science and thought the whole world was the area around the Dead Sea. The Bible has many inconsistencies, often contradicting itself. It has many errors in the alleged historic events that took place in it. It was written by unknown men of unknown trustworthiness and with unknown motives. There is also not a single first-hand account of your Jesus character. ALL of the New Testament scriptures were written at least 40-50 years after the supposed death of Jesus. Also, much of the biblical scriptures are not in the cannon. The Bible was edited and put together by committee. The divinity of Christ was also decided by a committee of men who lived long after Jesus. Ever hear of the Councils of Nicea? BTW, using a biblical scripture to prove the Bible is real, is moronic.

    Using pictures of human babies next to chimps is cute, but not evidence against evolution. Also, it shows your complete ignorance of what evolution is. Human beings did NOT evolve from monkeys or chimps or any other living primate. We evolved from a common ancestor. Then our lineage began to diverge millions of years ago. Think of life as a big tree with a big trunk, lots of limbs and millions of branches and twigs. All life we know shared a common ancestor that is the trunk. But as species began to diverge the limbs and branches and twigs began to appear. Chimps and humans are on the same limb of the tree, but we are different branches. Our DNA matches 98% with a chimps DNA. How to explain such a huge similarity in our DNA? How do you explain the human tail bone? How to you explain wisdom teeth? How do you explain things in other species that don't belong, like the vestigial legs in whales? If designed by God, why would he design it that way?

  3. I agree brotha! Preach it! Truly how can you look at the earth and say this just happened from nothing. Think about it. Everything starts somewhere. Don't get me started on the carbon dating thing either.

    1. So where did God come from? He didn't just appear out of nothing, right? Everything has to start somewhere. And please do get started on the carbon dating thing.

  4. The biggest point around evolution is that it is merely a theory with no proven factual evidence. Consider that if there were a big bang why, to our scientist limited knowledge, are we the only planet able to sustain life? The evolutionist have actually lowered the 98% down to ~95% so even they are losing ground with the commonality of a humans dna and a chimps. If you believe evolution then where did humans evolve from? Why do evolutionist keep pointing to the missing link which they cannot locate? if humans did evolve there would be that link still there in the chain but it is not there. I agree with you Josiah it is impossible for this planet to just happen to stop at the precise point to sustain life and not still be expanding and changing position. The Creator God is the only one who could have made it this way but too many educated people cannot accept this because it is unreasonable but you know what, sometimes faith in and of itself is unreasonable. How reasonable is it to believe humans evolved? To me that takes more faith than any since the evidence is not there for that line of thought.

    1. Holy shit. You are completely ignorant of evolution. But you said it right "educated cannot accept this because it is unreasonable. Faith in and of itself is unreasonable." That is absolutely correct. And please learn what the word "theory" means in the realm of science.
