Monday, July 30, 2012

New Baby

So we have been ready to have our third baby for a while now. And who wouldn't?
 The middle of the night feedings. The diaper changes. Buying diapers. New clothes.  Trying to see what they want, how much they want, and when they want it and how often they want it. Of course there's the making sure you hold their head just right. Making sure the bottle is the right temprature and that awful taste if you touch it to your tongue. Trying to make sure you dont wake them when it took two hours to get them to go to sleep.
That feeling when you get 5 hours of sleep instead of 1.5 hours of sleep.
Is that all really bad? Or is it putting extremely valuable time into something of extreme value. And we do it with no guarantee they will love us back. We do it because Jesus put it in our hearts to care.

The hours of hearing the heartbeat over a monitor. Praying it all works out for baby and momma.
The joy of seeing baby for the first time. And how fragile and dependent they are. Having your daughter wrap the smallest fingers you've ever seen around one of your fingers as if she already knows who her daddy is.

Now, as of July 21st, we have a third addition. A son named Phoenix Josiah. Its now been a week and I love him as if he's been here for years. He sleeps all the time. Eats every 2-3 hours. Has a ton of hair. And he's awesome. 
9 pounds 12 ounces and 21 inches long, curled legs and a head full of hair. He has little blond streaks. And sideburns. Yup. Just like me.

Its make me happy to have yet an even fuller home. More noise. More needs. More food. And much much more love.

Its what I do,