Yes. You read the title right.
God made sex.
Now before I continue, what I write here is strictly based on the Bible and what God clearly says sex is supposed to be. God never changes. No matter what I or anyone else says. If it doesn't line up with the Bible, it needs to be checked.
So God made man and woman. Male and female. Adam and Eve. God made a man. Said it was not good for man to be alone. Said "Hmm, Man needs someone. Someone to help. A companion. Opposite of what he has and is."
God made the first awesome joke. God said, " Adam, take a nap. I have a bone to pick with you." So God took a rib from Adam and with it made a woman. Eve. And the Bible says they were naked. But with no sin there is no shame.
God gave Adam some tasks. Name the animals. Take care of the animals. Tend to the Garden of Eden And here's a woman. Enjoy each other.
So Adam is walking through the woods, looking like he just dropped from heaven, naming animals and watering some plants when he bumps into someone. Its Eve. She says, "I'm not wearing anything today. For the 563rd consecutive day. :)" I'm sure his reply was "Eve, I have eyes for only you". If she asked, "Do you love me?" he always said "Who else?"
The point I'm making may use humor but the fact is its very serious: Sex has consequences. Good or bad it has consequences. My title is double meaning. God created sex and said it was good. But then there is Godmadesex, as in the man and woman He puts together and says to them "to leave and cleave". See Genesis 2:24. After two people, before Jesus, pledge to honor Him and be true to each other. God put them together. To satisfy the needs He created. God ordained marriage. God made marriage. God made sex.
Someone asked me "did Adam and Eve have a wedding with a pastor?" No they didn't but I do know this. God put them together. And He was really serious about what was good and what He had created.For example: Light= good! Water=good! Animals=good! Trees=good! Man=good! Man alone=not good! Woman=good! Man and woman=very good!!!
So what did God do?
He performed the first matchup. The first blind date. The first wedding ceremony. Darrell the Donkey was a ring bearer. Angels provided the music. God said it was good. Of course this part is fictitious but I hope the point is clear. Actually there was no wedding. No bells. No cake. No pastor. No rings or churches or courthouses. Can you hear "who gives this woman away? Anyone? Milo? Otis? King Kong? Moby Dick?" Nope. God did all this.
God put them together. And that's a truth to us all. We should know in private long before we go public with our vows that this is what God has blessed. That we don't need a paper to tell us we are married but that God knows. Of course I'm not saying don't have a wedding and make it official. Just the opposite. But know long before your wedding day that God has put you together.
It's very well known that kids come from these unions. Pretty much scientific. And the best most rounded and God fearing adults come from a home of two parents who waited till marriage to consecrate it.
Sex is now a joke to some people. Sitcoms make sex sound cheap and not private. Not sacred and special the way God intended. Between two people who love God and each other. Not based on an infatuation but a defined God given and God infused desire.
My biggest issue are these pop songs about "love". These artists flip flop from one to another and think they can tell me how it works and that they have it all together. Please, that's like saying Elmer's glue will keep the tires on my cars. It never works or holds.
If we are getting our info from rom coms, sit coms, and pop songs about "love", we will never know true love.
This is not a finger pointing session or to make anyone feel condemned but to simply help open eyes and realize God's intentions to make us happy and enjoy His creation. Romans 6 is clear about sexual sin. God made sex and Godmadesex is awesome but keep it in accordance with how He created it.
Do you want to make it work? Do you want to be happy in life with your significant other? I know everyone does. Everybody longs for companionship and a loyal spouse. Someone you can count on always. Of course only God will never fail but when your with the person He puts you with you will be happy no matter the circumstance. Let your judgment come from Jesus. I was told by people I thought knew well and heard from God. But I had to hear from God. In April I will have been married 8 years. I am very happy. Every day I am happy to see my wife. She is my helper and my best friend. I knew when it was right. I was ready. I kept myself ready. I wanted God to be pleased. I know some mistake are easy to fix. But marriage to the wrong person or wasting time with the wrong person can be with you your whole life and you may never be rid of that past.
So be ready. Sex and marriage is specialty of Jesus. Its not a game with a restart option. You don't and upgrade or extra lives. Its a no divorce clause, forever bond He made and takes very seriously.
If you have made these mistakes, again, Im not here to point fingers. But don't keep making the same mistake. Don't keep failing. Hate failure. Hate the sin. Repent and seek God's help.That could take a lot of time. But trust and then trust and trust again. Keep trusting Jesus. He really wont forsake you. Really. I know. I wouldn't say it if it wasnt true. And from experience in this. If someone had a cure for a serious disease and what worked to cure him, wouldn't you at least want to know the formula? Then you can choose to choose it! Or choose not to choose the cure. You may have to make life altering change's. You make to forsake friends, family, career. Movies music and time. But you would know in your heart you chose eternal life and peace. Sacrifice the superficial temporary for the everlasting permanent life only Jesus gives. Be the change you want to see!
It's what I do through Jesus,